For the precise measurement of the inner duct diameters according to DIN EN 24145.
Any deviation from the standard dimension (+ or -) can be read precisely (mm) on a scale.
The MRF Measuring Bands have been designed for ducts manufactured according to DIN EN 24145 (only the Ø and not the duct wall thickness). Fix the end of the band with the printed scale inside the duct, using a clamp if necessary. Then position it around the circumference and parallel to the duct end. The inner circumference can be then read on the scale.
The black mark on the scale indicates the precise DIN EN 24145dimension and the red mark the maximum permissible dimension. Standard METU-SYSTEM flanges can be used if the duct is within the shown
Should the circumference be outside the tolerance, the deviation from the standard circumference is indicated in mm. By mentioning this deviation when ordering will allow us to manufacture the correct flange size.
The end of the band indicates DIN - 20 mm. The duct inner circumference is therefore 20 mm shorter than the standard (DIN EN 24145). Place your order accordingly.
The end of the band indicates DIN + 20 mm. The duct inner circumference is therefore 20 mm larger than the standard (DIN EN 24145). Place your order accordingly.