Validity: 10 years, summary (not complete)
400°C / 120 Min.
Structure and integrity tests at +400°C for 2 hours according to the norms
UNE 23-093-81 and 98 (correspond to the European Norm EN 1363 Part 1 and Part 2).
The following METU-SYSTEM products successfully passed the +400°C /132 Min. tests on
- Profiles M2-0,7 / M2-0,8 / M3-0,8 / M3-1,2
- Corner Pieces M2-A and M3-A
- Drive Clamps M2 / M3 and G-Clamps M2 / M3
- Circular Flangse MF 40 and MF 63, Joining Clips SR 40 / SR 63
- Access Doors RD 32, RRD 32-40 and RRD 43-63 (with metal knobs and vitreous fibers gasket)
- Pressure Discs SS
- Hanger Profiles MS 3
- Support Brackets AL M8
- Angle Brackets MB
- Hanger Bolts AB M10-9 / AB M8-9
- Circular Duct Hangers BA 4
- Circular Duct Supports RS 40
600°C / 90 Min.
Structure and integrity tests at +600°C for 90 Minutes according to the
norms UNE-EN 1507: 2007, EN 13501-4: 2007 (30.05.2008 AFITI).
The following METU-SYSTEM products successfully passed the tests:
- Profiles M2-0,7,
- Corner Pieces and
- G-Clamps
600°C / 120 Min.
Structure and integrity tests at +600°C for 120 Minutes according to the
norms EN 13501-4 (2007); EN 1366-9: 2008 ( 05.11.2008 AFITI).
The following METU-SYSTEM products successfully passed the tests:
- Profiles M2-0,7, M3-1,2,
- Corner Pieces
- G-Clamps
- Circular Flanges MF 56 and
- SR 56 Joining Clips